A set of slides supposedly leaked from Sony reveal several details about a new Sony tablet meant to succeed the Tablet S. Dubbed the “Xperia Tablet,” specs for the new device include a 9.4-inch display running at 1280 x 800 resolution, an NVIDIA Tegra 3 chipset, an 8.0 megapixel rear-facing camera, a 1.0 megapixel front-facing camera, and a 6000 mAh battery intended to last 10 hours on a charge. The device will come loaded with at least Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. From a design standpoint, it will have a slight wedge design similar to the Tablet S, weigh 570g and will be constructed with an aluminum splash-proof body.
Sony appears to have done some software tweaks for the device, including creation of a “Guest Mode.” This will allow you to set up separate accounts for different users, limit what applications are available, and customize the layout of icons and wallpapers by user.
The slides include information on a number of accessories for the device such as a cover with an integrated keyboard, a charging cradle, a docking stand, and a carrying case. Three models will be available based on the size of available internal storage – 16GB, 32GB or 64GB – with prices set at $449, $549 and $649 respectively. The source of the slides claims availability will be in September.
Finally, the slides note the tablet will be branded as part of the Xperia line of devices. Sony has provided no official statement regarding the leaked information. The source claims to be an employee of Sony who was provided the slides as part of his job.
Source:Xperia Blog