


No Ice Cream Sandwich for LG’s Optimus 2X?

According to LG Canada, the Optimus 2X won’t receive an upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich as originally stated. The statement was issued on response to a tweet asking about the status of the update, or what we assume is asking about the status of the update — the actual phrasing doesn’t make much sense in terms of standard English. Regardless, LG Canada offered no explanation for the change of heart, only stating “the original announcement was a general statement issued from HQ.”
If we want to find a silver lining in those words, we may be looking at a situation where the update isn’t currently planned for versions of the device tied to Canadian carriers, but that a rollout in other locations might still be on the table. This seems unlikely, however, as it makes little sense for LG to spend the man hours developing the update only to not deploy it on all compatible handsets. Things aren’t looking good for Optimus 2X owners at this point, but manufacturers have been known to flip-flop on these decisions in the past. The 2X certainly has the hardware credentials to support Android 4.0.

Source Twitter

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