Although we’re only two short weeks away from Samsung Galaxy Note 2’s supposed unveiling in Berlin, there are still a lot of things to be untold about the “phablet”. We’ve heard quite a lot about the gadget’s spec sheet, so we’re guessing not much can surprise us at this point, but in terms of design we basically know nothing.
There have been a couple of mockups circulating around the web, but none of those looked even remotely trustworthy for Note 2’s commercial design. There have also been different speculations, some saying that it could very much resemble the first-edition Note while others expected a GS3-similar exterior, but nobody managed to produce the smallest shred of evidence to support their claims.
Now GSMArena has come forward with an “alleged photo” of the upcoming beast, which the online publication says it obtained courtesy of an anonymous tipster. While usually we would trust the website’s claims, this particular pic looks no more legit than earlier mockups, which makes us almost certain that it is in fact… another mockup.The “photo” just shows off a massive Galaxy S3, with a slightly darker shade of white, but with the same rounded edges and “curves”. While this particular design is surely not out of the question for the Note 2, there’s simply something that doesn’t look and feel right.
We won’t be betting our life that this is a legit photo of the real Galaxy Note 2, but we would surely like to know what you guys think about this design. Would you be bothered if Samsung will make the new Note very similar to the hugely successful Galaxy S3? Is the rounded look really the future for Android?
Before wrapping up this post, we have to quickly mention a couple of other things that this supposed tipster brought to GSMArena’s attention. According to the mystery guy, the phablet’s Super AMOLED screen will measure 5.5-inches in diagonal, feature a 1280 x 800 pixels resolution and use a regular RGB matrix (unlike the Galaxy S3, which uses PenTile).
The Note 2 won’t be running Jelly Bean upon launch, as expected, but it might get an upgrade very soon after, according to the same source. Finally, the Galaxy S3 might be getting an official Android 4.1 port at the same August 29 press conference where the new Note will be unveiled.I don’t know about you, but I highly doubt someone with so much inside information would spill the beans so randomly on so many fronts. But hey, anything’s possible, so we should wait and see, right?