


EA announces Origin app for Android

EA has announced that their controversial digital download app Origin will be headed to Android. Origin came under a lot of fire when EA launched the service and  sought to deliver their games through an unproven model.
The service was simply clunky and abhorrent up against the powerhouse that Steam is, and when EA started offering certain titles exclusively through Origin it allowed the tech world to justify EA’s position at the top of the world’s worst gaming companies. But all that aside, EA has announced that the app is coming for Android.

We can at least expect to find their full catalog of titles in database format to find news, videos, deals, user reviews, and more related information on them.
We’re not sure if EA will use it as a highlight platform for their own Android games but that’s a certain possibility. But know that it’s coming, and we can’t be mad at them for adding even more to the Android ecosystem than they already have. 


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